Helping people with acupuncture in Chichester since 2007
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Friendly, caring, experienced
Local practitioner dedicated to your well-being
Degree qualified in Acupuncture with a BSc (Hons)
Proud member of the British Acupuncture Council
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Mark Shepherd
Acupuncture & Tui Na Massage
Based in Chichester, West Sussex on the Hampshire border, Mark Shepherd offers a professional and effective service. Mark is highly qualified, discreet, precise and meticulous in his work. Clients visit with a wide range of issues and can often be helped even after just one session.
“Mark is able to effortlessly pinpoint the issues, connected problems and the potential solution. The experience is more like visiting a medical professional than a holistic treatment specialist. Treatments are detailed, measured, un-rushed and always aim to be hugely rewarding.”